Thursday, February 7, 2013


Tonight, Jack asked to phone my husband at work. He's 14 and this is something that has not happened before. He said, "I need to speak with Daddy, call Daddy now, please." So, of course, I ran to the phone and dialed the number as quickly as my fingers would allow me. Jack could hardly wait for the phone to stop ringing, and I had to remind him to listen for the voice on the other end. He made his dad so happy, and he immediately dropped everything to come home.


"Use your words, Jack" is a common mantra around here. Similar phrases are used by my two younger sons on a daily basis, "Say what you want, Jack." Or, simply, "What do you need, Jack?" Words have repercussions. Words direct everything in the universe.

I discovered some time ago that most people have no clue what power their words possess. Beyond expressing some need or desire, words have the ability to hurt or heal another human being. And that is why they seemingly hang in the air after an argument or expression of love. Words are remembered long after they are spoken and can have a permanent impact on person they are directed towards.  Oftentimes painful memories revolve around what someone said in the past, and not solely their actions.


They are not just simple utterances or noises we make. There were times Jack did not make a sound and I promised to light my hair on fire if meant I'd get one word, one groan, one "I love you, Momma."  For the longest time, the silence won. And when the few words came we celebrated, and danced around the living room. Today, I still encourage him to elaborate and use more complex sentences. And, If Jack didn't have some ability for language, I probably would not be so persistent in demonstrating how to use it in everyday life. There are times he would rather give a one-word answer, but I am determined to help him express himself more. Because of the importance of the words. Modeling language has become a sort of necessary lifestyle in this house.  We are truly blessed he has developed some understanding of basic English. There is also the art of listening well...but that is a whole other concept.

Say what you mean to say...

What makes Jack really extra-ordinary in his own right is the meaning behind his words, as few they are, for he says what he truly feels, when he needs to do so. As human beings, we often leave words unsaid, sometimes to the point it becomes too late to say them.  Or worse, we shout words in a moment of anger and later wish we hadn't. Words...we must choose them carefully! Or course we want Jack to have more words. But they mean nothing if you don't understand what you saying, so we are working on it. I'd rather not be a person who is "all talk" and no substance, when I can speak with an honest heart, even if it means I am sometimes Jack.

May You Always Recognize The Blessings.

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