Wednesday, January 23, 2013

I've still got it...but what is "IT?"

Does it bother anyone else that their offspring can learn how to use an Ipad in two seconds, or am I the only dinosaur on the planet?

I am a writer, and I write. I have always written for as long as I can remember. And when I started this blogging journey, I thought I would write write write from my heart, easy-peasy. Then my husband came along and looked at the simple layout and said, "ICK..., you have to do something to bring traffic to your site, and this looks awful."

He showed me some HTML codes and I felt dizzy and almost threw in the towel. "I thought I was supposed to write about autism, for Pete's Sake?" He said, "You are computer literate, you have to play around a little bit. It's just common sense." Time, my husband, TIME, is a rare commodity in this place.

So, here's the thing. I have not used HTML in a long time (do they still even use this?) and have always wanted to learn Word Press or something else really cool and up to date, but I have not been able to work or gain experience. I have often wondered what I would say to a potential employer one day when they notice the big gap/lack of skills on my resume and ask, "So, what did you DO for umpteen years?" And I reply honestly, "I stayed home to raise my children, one is severely autistic."  Do you know what that translates into? "Next candidate, this one is completely clueless!" As the world spins currently, I am completely unskilled and unemployable in my field.

Or am I?

I was so proud of myself yesterday. After hours of working tirelessly on my blog, I beamed to myself with a great satisfaction and sense of accomplishment. To my delight, I was able to teach myself some of the ins and outs of page design and even came to the conclusion that most of what I was learning was an extension of what I already know, what I used to do.  After much work and a sore back, I happily went to leave the computer and the kitchen table. And then, the universe decided to mock me. In an instant, the entire page I so carefully edited and made my own, was a scrambled mess of I don't know what. Everything was everywhere and nothing lined up anymore. I freaked out. Jack started screaming because he wanted a bath and couldn't wait while I tried to figure out what went wrong. This went on for half an hour.

I phoned my husband crying and angry, because I felt like such a flop. In all honestly, I know I was being dramatic and was overtired. I was so disappointed that all my hard work virtually disappeared and I did not know how to get it back. He came home and in no-time repositioned everything that went askew but it took a long time for me to fall asleep, just the same. I was that upset. You would think that after all this time I would have learned not to sweat the small stuff, but I was pretty angry. It is difficult to remain patient when so many big things have a life of their own, seem out of control, and sometimes I can just SPIT when the little things pile up and ad to my stress level.

There is no moral to this story. I was peeved, but am relieved things are back to normal...for now....I am grateful my husband loves me to put up with my temper tantrums...and the fact he knows general STUFF is always helpful.

May You Always Recognize The Blessings...

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